Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Custom Doors

We got this contract through our friend Dave Dillon.  The client wanted to spruce up their screened in porch.  The idea was to cap the white columns with cedar, as well as replace the existing screen door with a custom one and add an additional screen door at the rear of the house.  Although one could use cedar for the doors, I persuaded the client to go with spanish cedar.  Strangely enough, it is neither spanish, nor cedar.  It is a hardwood from the tropics, is most similar to my eye to mahogany, and it has a delightful aroma.  It is most often used for making humidors, and is naturally resistant to rot, a great quality for exterior doors.

The doors were built in the shop.  That process is not shown here, but next time, I promise.

I set up shop in the driveway, where all the cedar would be cut to fit, as well as fitting the doors with hardware and installing the screens.

It is great to have a shop that will set up in small locations.  That way any problems that spring up can be solved right on site, without the delay of having to haul things back and forth.

A shot of the screen door at the rear of the house.  The design is simple, but very pleasing to the eye.

Note the great colour on that spanish cedar.

A shot of the screened-in porch after capping with cedar and the installation of the new door.  The clients also had us put a finish on the deck.  They are thrilled and so are we.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great!

    Is there a finish on the doors and cedar capping?
